Kindersley & District Co-op Fuel Team
December 31, 2024

When it comes to the productivity and efficiency of your operation, every decision counts. One of those decisions is how you fuel your equipment. You need to be sure that it will run efficiently and without unnecessary downtime, especially during your busiest seasons.

You can count on Kindersley & District Co-ops Fuel & Equipment Team for all your Petroleum and Equipment needs. Our courteous and knowledgeable staff are there to serve our members with a smile! 

Contact our Fuel and Equipment Team Members today!

Brent Jones, B2B Division Manager  1(306)463-3812,

Jon Fidler, Petroleum Manager  1(306)1(306)463-3812,

Chris Shillington, Assistant Petroleum Manager  1(306) 463-3812,

All Petroleum Account Inquiries:

Susan Chester, Petroleum File Maintenance Clerk — 1(306)463-3812,